
Thursday, 28 February 2013

Sneak-opening yesterday was good ............


Despite the small crowd of people who attended us last night, I have to say that the evening was fun .. and thanks to you who came.

Michael & Adele

Adelisa was the winner of Contest: Best in red...congrate to you!

rultan, Kicki Alfen and Jonny dancing Gagnam style

Andreas and myself

Cause I know that continuity bears fruit eventually, and it's been a bit up and down for a while at the Chat Noir.

But I think this consept is and will be good, so give us a few months to file for live performances, small refreshing shower and some other odds and ends.

As I pressing it out during the evening ....... why is always AFTER PARTY most enjoyable?

Sadly I did not learned how record Windows Media Player, if I would have filmed Chat Noir own "Harlem shake" it was amazing, both dance and music ...... incredible.


Wednesday, 27 February 2013

Club le Chat Noir ..... to night! 12pmslt

Now it's time to start our Club for real, with scheduled Wednesday nights and Sunday nights.

Andreas has worked hard to get the elevator from the lobby up to the balcony for you to come directly to the stairs leading down to the dance floor.

DJ: Rultan haves also loaded the danceball with a Gagnam style song, that fits perfectly to the dance I found after a long search..

(there is a teleport in my profil under pics "parken" just click for Tp)

Take also a look in the vestibule where the hanging photos on our pole dancers can always be intressted to view, who will dance ... perhaps you have a favorite among them all?

Uppcoming programs:
March  3: Ladies Night poledancing/men,Contest:Best in red, DJ: rultan
March 10: Formal dance. Hosts:Ewa & Andreas/ Martini in morning/radio
March  7 : St. Patrick's Day, Contest:Best in green or Irish, DJ R:rultan
March 27: Formal Dance, Live Singer
March 31: Poledancing/ girls, DJ: Alfdeejay.
See You!

Monday, 25 February 2013

Evenings in Sl can be full of activities..............

Saturday night was just such a night ..... it tumbled down the numerous notes and invitations to various evenemag.
(One of the reasons that the Club le Chat Noir put their events on Wednesday and early Sunday night).

Hard to choose ...
yes, but I decided to visit one of my friends' appearance with a lovely playback on U2 ....
 a spectacular show.

For those who followed or were close to me over the years may remember their first appearance on my sim Vadstena Castle ..... which they then performed as Queen playback.

You can say that they have developed ... for the better and the show is very good.
Thanks Kagnar and the rest of you guys.!
Reminder to you all............dont forget Wednesday 27 12pmslt at Club le Chat Noir.

Saturday, 23 February 2013

Wednesday Party Club Le Chat Noir ......

Now, dear friends, we start kicking Club le Chat Noir .... at long last......yeaaa!

It has taken time to review everything, find pole-dancers, building elevator and vestibule.

We have download dancing ball with all the lovely new dances .. Now dont doubtful to reserve Wednesdays every fortnight from Februari 27 and Sundays from March 3 even this fortnight!


Ondsdag February 27 we start an evening with DJ Rultan Zeplin who plays for us her own composed music list ..... to suit for this evening.
Come as you are or put on a formal dress ......

Tonight's Contest Board notes: BEST IN RED!


The following are Wednesday and Sunday events ........ order to secure your upper time ....we will be happy to see you all at Club Le Chat Noir.
Sunday, March 3 12pmslt LADIES NIGHT.......male pole dancing.
(these evenings are reserved just for us ladies no men admitted)

First up is a dancer Ashok, Michael and Jonny during supervised by Andreas.
DJ for this nights are DJ Rultan.

Next event will be 13 mars 12pmslt.
Formal Martini in the morning(radio).
Hostess this night are: Andreas & dress upp.
Contestboard: BEST IN FORMAL
S:T PATRICS DAY......    
Sunday Mars 17th time 12pmslt (21.00
DJ Rultan will mix Irish music with danceable other music.
 Contestboard: Best in Irish or green!
Cheers agus an-fáilte a chur roimh!        

Sunday, 17 February 2013


So sad, so sad we were, that Sim did not work.

I've never been through this before during my six years in Second Life.
Either it was sabotage or something that disturbed, maybe a bug ..... do not know what?
I made many attempts to get hold of the sim owner, without success.

but., but nothing to do about it. However, I spoke with Micael and we decided to do the whole event  another time... in the metal / hard rock theme.

Obviously you all will get information when and what time .... Hots Rock was also very provided "We will tcome back" they said.

All i can do know is to wish you all a great Sunday, I'll do some remodeling on Club Le Chat Noir.



Hello dear blog readers. I've been in SL since November 2006 and feel experiences in Sl is absolutely amazing in the encounter with other people and other cultures.
Take care of your self.
Yours sincerely