West Side Story .... we need a new DJ!
Unfortunately, DJ Rultan resignation as a disc jockey for the musical West Side did make me feel a bit sad after all this time we've worked together on various projects, such as the Viking show, Lilli & Susie, Joe Bonamassa, Timi Your and our last WSS.But I can understand her. Sometimes you have to prioritize and I know rultan Zeplin have much to stand in. Especially with the Sim Reykja she shares with her beloved man "Alfen" and Disco place Svampen placed Yadkin, Rumpan Bar, Avalone, midwife work etc.
I want in this way send rultan Zeplin a big "thank you" so much for everything she has dedicated her time to forfill my projects.You was awesome.
For me......
it has been time of reflection and I spend my time playing the Devil Non machines to think what I'm doing. Is it feasible? I needed this time to recover.
Yesterday I won the 4000 l wooww |
But gratifying to note that all the players want to continue, and so we do.. We practice every Wednesday as long as before. And we are all convinced that a DJ will eventually show up and share our interest in theater in Sl.
What has also changed is that I have taken up the old theater that we can use if we are going to do to go on tour around sl.
Old Theater |
The final scene |
The Show must go on........!
Hello dear blog readers. I've been in SL since November 2006 and feel experiences in Sl is absolutely amazing in the encounter with other people and other cultures.
Take care of your self.
Yours sincerely
The biggest reason for my resignation is that my Real Life has changed a lot, and it's more difficult for me to have scheduled time in Second Life. My other stuff in SL is more flexible, but on rehearsals 10 people expect me to be there and that's a little hard pressure for me. I wish you all good luck, and I MISS YOU!! Good Luck :)
Good luck to you rultan!